Welcome to Cemurgh

At Cemurgh, also spelled Simurgh, my philosophy is deeply rooted in the ancient and mystical symbol of the Cemurgh/Simurgh (سیمرغ), a mythical bird in Persian literature that represents unity, enlightenment, and the collective journey towards higher knowledge and freedom. The name “Cemurgh,” which translates to “thirty birds” in Farsi, is inspired by this profound legend where thirty birds embark on a transformative journey of finding Cemurgh, only to discover that they themselves embody the Cemurgh they seek. This metaphor beautifully captures the essence of my mission: to guide, educate, and unite individuals in their quest for personal and collective growth.

My approach to education and service is encapsulated in the values represented by each letter of “Cemurgh”:

Cemurgh stands as a symbol of my commitment to these principles, guiding my efforts to create a world where education serves as the wings that enable all of us to soar towards unity and freedom. Join me on this journey of transformation and discovery, where together, we can achieve the extraordinary.


Tailored individual coaching, parenting support, program development, and diverse workshops for growth.

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Specialized services encompassing research, coaching, training, and consultancy in education and psychology.

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Respect individual intelligence, acknowledge vulnerabilities, and embrace interconnectedness for growth.

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Comprehensive approach emphasizes holistic education and growth, leveraging existing strengths for development.

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John Doe

This is one of our staff.

John Doe

This is one of our staff.

John Doe

This is one of our staff.